
Is there a cure?

My Life Saver – Alexander Technique.  This hands on, practical knowledge is a great support for scoliosis.  I was never diagnosed with scoliosis.  However, when I was thirteen, my swimming coach told me I had a ‘lazy left foot’.  I had no idea what this indicated.  Years later a health practitioner showed me that my spine was indeed curved.  Over time I realised this to be the main cause of my back pain.   Astoundingly, I realized scoliosis had been with me since my childhood.  Ultimately it lead me to Alexander Technique, without doubt, my life saver.

Most importantly for me –

Once I knew and understood my condition, it made all the difference to how I worked with it and finally the great results I have today.

Who gets it?

Scoliosis can affect any age and symptom levels vary widely in every case.  From twinges, pains, numbness, the curving spine causes between mild to drastic effect.  Dr Wilfred Barlow, Neurologist and Alexander teacher observed, “By the age of one, most children show some scoliosis”.  For most, so mild it goes unnoticed. For extreme cases, surgery is required.

Can you have good posture with scoliosis?

In my case, this was tricky.  I never had bad posture, no stoop, no dropped shoulders.  However, neither good nor bad posture is an indicator of scoliosis.  Nor should it be a target for someone with scoliosis.

What is the effect on a person with Scoliosis?

While some muscles shorten on one side, others slacken on the opposite side e.g. a sideways slouch leaves the long postural muscles at back stretched, the front ones shortened.  As consequence, the muscles above and below lack a great support and so compensate resulting in tightness, weaknesses, and pain.  Which can radiate to anywhere, even to a ‘lazy left foot’!

The knock-on effect.

While the pelvis, ribs, head and limbs twist due to spinal changes, the internal systems e.g. nervous, internal, breath etc, are compromised too.  The way we think, feel, experience, become disturbed consequently!

Can scoliosis be corrected with exercise?

Movement is vital for everyone no matter what age.  And exercise itself is important to keep active altogether.  However, since the deep postural support muscles tend to stiffen in order to hold the person up, it is vital to understand the body and allow it’s best natural function to re-establish.  This is an educative study that is applied during exercise.

What does Alexander Technique do?

Alexander Technique, a non-surgical education, teaches you how detect and to re-establish muscular changes that may be interfering with the best functional activities.  This hands on, practical knowledge guides you to access your optimal best self.

John A. Macy, Physiotherapist, Nebraska says.
“Alexander is an educational process with emphasis on teaching principles of optimal control and using these principles in everyday movements.”

Dr. Jack Stern, professor of Neurosurgery at the New York Medical College says
By teaching people better body mechanics, it frequently enables patients to do away with pain — without having to undergo surgery.

To find out more about how Alexander Technique can help you, contact me Jann McMichael for more info.