Handy Tips for Computer Users
In my tips today for computer users, we need new answers. I may be stating the obvious. I may also tell you what you already know. However, hang in with me for a while, you may find this direction to be a good and different way of thinking about time at your computer. We were never intended to sit stationary for hours.
Have you noticed that after a couple of hours doing your work, you are literally in a knot? You didn’t notice it creeping up on you. Suddenly you’re aching. At this junction, keep on at your peril. Whatever gives you relief e.g. a shoulder rub or medication, will likely be temporary.
Your muscles don’t know how to release themselves. However, if you REALLY STOP, wait, do nothing for a moment, you’re very likely to get out of the way and let re-alignment take place.
Keep your head light.
Do you really need to be at your computer? If your answer is yes, be sure to have a clean space around you. A cramped environment makes for a cramped body.
Now, be sure your eyes line up with the screen straight ahead. Your arms to hands roughly parallel to the floor. Let your head (all heavy 6kgs of it) sit easily on top of your spine. Avoid the pull down of the head falling forward (to get nearer the screen for example).
Are your feet on the ground?
It’s amazing how subtly your feet end out at all angles, perhaps tucked under you, maybe half off the floor.
The design of the body makes all muscular and bone connections to be necessary in order for the spine and head to function at its best. Just let your feet rest from toes to heels; let the floor do the work of holding the weight of your lower half that connects to your spine AND to your heavy head.
Maintain soft fingers, wrists and all.
We give so little attention to the service of the hands while working on computer. Unlike the old typewriters, keyboards have become much more user-friendly and light to the touch.
To all computer users, give special focus to light ‘dancing’ fingers. Give fingers the same span as the toes get.
Arms and hands will be easy if aligned. If you’re not sure what that means, focus on what your feet are noticing, if they’re very tight they won’t notice much!
Pause. Take a breather.
Change your setting for the moment. Take time to another task or need.
Taking plenty of fluids will require more natural breaks to the loo. This routinely lets the lungs, muscles and fascia move more. And gives a rest to the eyes as extra benefit.
Change your attention.
Its too easy to become fixed moment by moment wanting to get to the end of the job. Be consciously kind to your eyes; look out the window, see the natural light.
Appreciate outside of your immediate surrounding every so often. You will finish your project with more energy.
Twist and turn!
Bodies are meant to move! Generally computer users forget time and can scrunch up.
You don’t have to get up to do this. Right where you’re sitting, its fine to wobble and stretch.
If you’re getting pain, you need to find out why; an AT teacher will help you find out how well you’re using your head, your arms and hands, your entire body.
Take a Power Rest.
After your day at the computer, get yourself one or two books. Lie down in a quiet place, book/s under head, knees up and hands just resting on your tummy.
I call it “your very own inner massage system”. And that is because all the muscles, bones, organs breathing, heart rate, everything get the advantage of returning to inner quiet. Even if you only manage 5 minutes; 15 minutes is felt to be the essential best. Email me for a detailed description on Power Rest.
Be Your Body’s Boss.
No one else is going to do this for you. You’re in charge of YOU.
For more computer management, go here. https://www.alexandertechnique.co.nz/2019/04/15/how-to-compute-and-live-with-ease/
Last chance registration.
If you want to know all about working with your computer, enquire here for a lesson or class dates.